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Favorite Sites
Spedeworth International The V8 Stockcars Promotors and Track owners
Join The Nerf!! The Nerf - A forum to discuss everything stockcar
Short Circuit Short Circuit is a magazine based website on racing of all forms form around the world.
Scott Nicholls Scott Nicolls Home page - Shows the latest on the GP, Elite League and British Team Captain Speedway Star.
Official V8 Stockcars Website Site about the England Rugby Star.
Witch Crafts MSN Space Mini Site about Witch Craft and the person behind it... Me!
Elite Racing Parts Elite Racing Parts is the new branch of Elite specialising in the sale of racing parts.
Norfolk Arena - Saddlebow Road Norfolk Arena's new site with links to all activitys that take place, speedway, stockcars etc.
Katherine Legge A top female driver on a mission to make her mark and succeding!!

Witch Stockcars